Foren in 'Restrictive Measures (Targeted Financial Sanctions (TFS) and Embargoes)'
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Asset Screening
checking assets against various databases and lists; practices to identify and monitor suspicious activities; detect and prevent ML/TF and other illicit activities
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Name Screening
searching for a person's name and/or other personal information in databases related to financial risk; includes sanctions lists, lists of politically exposed persons (PEPs), criminal wanted lists, and news media (to check for negative coverage on a person)
Criminal Wanted Lists,
News Media (to check for negative coverage on a person),
Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs),
Sanctions Lists
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EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EUGHRSR)
The EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EUGHRSR) can ban perpetrators from entering the EU, freeze perpetrators' assets in the EU and prohibit any EU person from making funds and economic resources available to perpetrators.
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Restrictive Measures (Targeted Financial Sanctions (TFS) and Embargoes)
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